世界林氏宗親總會 – 沿革紀要

  • 緣起


    迨至同年八月三十日,專函廣邀海內外宗親團體 ,推派代表前來台北共襄簽署發起計有:全國林姓宗廟、台灣省林姓宗親會、台北市林姓宗親會、高雄市林氏宗親會、海南旅台林氏宗親會、泰國林氏宗親總會、旅菲西河林氏宗親總會、菲律賓林氏各同鄉會宗親總會、新加坡林氏大宗祠九龍堂家族自治會、馬來亞聯合邦瓊崖林氏公會、檳城林氏忠孝堂、印尼耶加達林氏宗親總會、香港中華林西河堂聯愛總會、旅港新會石咀同鄉會、美國舊金山林西河總堂、美國檀香山林西河堂、美國羅省林西河堂、美國紐約林西河堂、加拿大駐雲高華林西河總堂九牧公所及美國密西州、沙加西度、休士頓、芝加哥、洛杉磯、西雅圖、墨西哥等地,另外韓國、歐洲之比利時及奧地利、日本之東京、大阪及神戶等國家地區宗親代表參加,一時聲勢之隆,震撼寰宇,正式開展籌組「世界林氏宗親總會」。

  • 籌備



    主 任 委 員 :林金生。
    常 務 委 員 :林溪巖、林權敏、林國珍、林久慶、林嘉秉、林怡玉、林興識、林清池、林蔭溥、林孟祥。
    委         員  :林振炎、林忠、林永倉、林坤鐘、林趙璧芝、林忠義、林琴、林新亨、林慶川(總幹事)、林永來、林長義、林塊強、林達聰、林慶福、林元芳、林伯勳、林繼浂、林金標、林坤鐘(花蓮)、林寶琮、林進丁、林猷興、林振茂、林友聯、林炳南、林萬松、林昆儀、林炳昌、林湛賢、林天時等四十五人。


  • 成立

    一、 理      事     長:林燈
            常   務   理  事:林溪巖、林友聯、林來榮、林少鑫、林興識、林坤鐘、林蔭溥、林鵬飛、林忠義
            理          事:林均枝、林新亨、林水火、林清池、林永倉、林趙璧芝、林元芳、林琴、林永來、林西屏、林金標、林忠銓、林炳昌、林國珍、林滿榮、林慶福、林慶川、林近丁、林火順、林鴻德、林伯勳、林子儀、林金堂
            候  補  理  事  :林貞楷、林秀峰、林啟標。林清水、林振民、林鎮海、林謨芸、林海、林寶琮、林湛賢、林猷興、林昆儀、林樹榮
            監事會召集人 :林振炎
            常   務   監   事:林忠、林兆嘉
            監           事:林青木、林澤墉、林坤鐘(花蓮)、林金貴、林繼浂、林作謀、林建同
            候   補   監   事:林瑞池、林達聰、林耀豐

    二、 名 譽 理 事 長:林金生
            名   譽  理   事:林保仁、林先立、林本泉、林佛樹、林金木、林山鐘、林欽濃、林長義、林塊強、林炳南、林原山、林怡玉、林益祥、林久慶、林天時、林勇源、林民鑾、林權敏、林蔭棠、林肇榮、林秋山、林猷昌、林宗毅

    三、 最高顧問:林洋港
            顧  問:林為白、林衡道、林宗賢、林添丁、林阿九、林挺生、林榮三、林鈺祥、林溪圳、林函碧、林嘉秉、林文土、林子貴、林猷仁、林龍山、林金樹、林成壽

    四、 秘  書  長:林慶川

    五、 會址:台北市重慶北路一段七十三號十樓

    (三)每2年落實舉辦世界林氏懇親大會,從1986年12月首屆在泰國曼谷市舉行,由泰國林氏宗親總會承辦迄今,共召開 15屆,廣收宏效,備受讚賞。
               電話:02-29596660 傳真:02-25853547
    (七)2008年為紀念比干公誕辰3100周年,本會壯 青年團主辦,13天萬里汽車越野祭祖團活動,路經馬來西亞-泰國-寮國-中國大陸衛輝祖廟的壯舉!


The World Lin’s Association History


    Our fruit-laden kindred is spread all over the world with good reputation. In this surprising time and as a member of the global village, we would like to unite and organize our family to enhance mutual cooperation and also contribute ourselves to this world.

    The 11st Chinese Trade Conference was held in San Francisco in summer time of 1977.Two gentlemen, the President of Thailand Lin’s Association, Mr. Lia-Rong Lin, and C.E.O. of Chinese Lin’s Foundation Fund, Mr. Deng Lin, met there and proposed to establish a global Lin’s Association. Mr. Deng Lin therefore invited participants in the 11st Chinese Trade Conference to a breakfast symposium to discuss the possibilities. Each participant is keen to see the proposal happening.

    In May of 1980, Taiwan Lin’s Association and Taipei Lin’s Association passed the resolution for establishment of a global organization, and they are duty-bound to lead all Lin’s Associations scattered nationwide to get started preparatory affairs. On August 30, 1980, representatives from the world coming to Taipei for initiating the plan, the participants are ….

    “The World Lin’s Association” is set up officially with the majestic and powerful influence.


    一、The Operation Team was appointed in June of 1980 to carry out scheme of initiating. The Team consists of six representatives from Nation Lin’s Associations, eight from Taiwan Lin’s Association, seven from Taipei Lin’s Association, seven from Kaohsiung Lin’s Association, and three from Taiwan Lin’s Association Residing in Hainan. The primary duty is to invite representatives worldwide to attend the Initiator Meeting.

    二、The Initiator Meeting was taken place at conference room of Taipei Lin’s Association on August 30, 1980, participants list is as below, Deng Lin, Shao Shin Lin, Cheng Jeen Lin,On Sept. 27, 1980, the Ministry of the Interior consented establishment of “The World Lin’s Association” and also appointed one instructor to assist the Association. On Oct. 8, 1980, we invited the government authority to attend the first assistance meeting.

    三、On Oct. 16, 1980 forty-five people were appointed as Preparatory Committee at 2nd Initiator Meeting held in Taipei, and the list is as below,……….
    The brief and concise statement was made preliminarily at the 1st Preparatory Committee meeting. The Association was ready for getting everything done during the preparatory period and also set up a time frame for holding the Initiator Meeting regularly. The Association submitted a proposal to the Ministry of Interior and set up a date for the Inaugural Meeting on Oct. 8, 1991.

    四、The Preparatory Committee had organized four Standing Board meetings, two Preparatory Committee meetings, and two advisory councils during the preparatory period. A joint federation was organized to be in charge of general-affairs section, financial section, decoration section, editorial section, reception section, festivities section, and recreation section, and each section does its best to accomplish its mission.


    The Inaugural Meeting that we show ourselves to the world was held at the Pacific Ocean Hall of Mandarina Crown Hotel in Taipei on Oct. 8, 1981, and it’s also a great event in the history of the Lin Family. Over 1,300 participants attended the big ceremony, which contains 341 members, over than 500 overseas representatives and 500 domestic representatives. The Inaugural Meeting last for three days, which was presided over by Chairman of Preparatory Committee, Mr. King Shen Lin. The Rules and Regulations of the Association, Annual Work Project, Budget planned for income and expenditure, and Declaration were discussed entirely and passed during this three-day meeting. The last agenda was to vote the Board members and the Supervisors, and to appoint honorary Board members and honorary Advisors, the following is the listing:

    Board chairman : 林 燈
    Standing board members : 林溪巖 林友聯 林來榮 林少鑫 林興識 林坤鐘 林蔭溥 林鵬飛 林忠義
    Board members : 林均枝 林新亨 林水火 林清池 林永倉 林趙璧芝 林元芳 林 琴 林永來 林西屏 林金標 林忠銓 林炳昌 林國珍 林滿榮 林慶福 林慶川 林近丁 林火順 林鴻德 林伯勳 林子儀 林金堂
    Candidate for board members : 林貞楷 林秀峰 林啟標 林清水 林振民 林鎮海 林謨芸 林 海 林寶琮 林湛賢 林猷興 林昆儀 林樹榮
    Supervisor committee convener : 林振炎
    Standing supervisors : 林 忠 林兆嘉
    Supervisors : 林青木 林澤墉 林坤鐘(花蓮) 林金貴 林繼浂 林作謀 林建同
    Candidate for supervisors : 林瑞池 林達聰 林耀豐

    Honorary board chairman : 林金生
    Honorary board vice chairman : 林金莖
    Honorary board members : 林保仁 林先立 林本泉 林佛樹 林金木 林山鐘 林欽濃 林長義 林塊強 林炳南 林原山 林怡玉 林益祥 林久慶 林天時 林勇源 林民鑾 林權敏 林蔭棠 林肇榮 林秋山 林猷昌 林宗毅

    Supreme advisor : 林洋港
    Advisors : 林為白 林衡道 林宗賢 林添丁 林阿九 林挺生 林榮三 林鈺祥 林溪圳 林函碧 林嘉秉 林文土 林子貴 林猷仁 林龍山 林金樹 林成壽

    Secretary general : 林慶川
    Vice secretary general : 林均枝 林忠銓 林猷興

    Address : 10Fl., No.73, 1st Sec. Chung King N. Road, Taipei.
    Telephone : 886-2-5419460

    Established since 1980, the World Lin’s Association has been set up for over two decades. To date, the Association’s continued success is a result of efforts from the former and current Board Chairmen. Beloved by all members, supported by board directors, the Association has been going to move in tandem with global trend in recent years, here comes a brief description about our events over the past,

    1. Have visited Mainland China for ancestor worship and clan visits for times, memorizing the roots of origin and early struggle our ancestors were facing.
    2. The Joint Meetings of Board members and Supervisors have been held beyond boarders over Malaysia, Japan, Philippines, Singapore, Thailand, Vietnam, Sarawak, Canada, Hawaii, and Cambodia. We have earned a reputation for being the center of world for the Lin Family by organizing events.
    3. The World Lin’s Association Reunion is held every two years, ten sessions have taken place since 1986, and here comes the calendar of each session,

    a. December, 1986: Bangkok, Thailand.
    b. December, 1988: Sarawak.
    c. November, 1990: Taoyuan, Taiwan.
    d. November, 1992: Singapore.
    e. November, 1994: Philippines.
    f. October of, 1996: Malaysia.
    g. November, 1998: Kaohsiung, Taiwan.
    h. November, 2000: Japan.
    i. November, 2002: Honolulu j. November, 2004: Taiwan

    4. Associate with Singapore’s Lin Association for the 11st World Lin’s Association Reunion in 2006.
    5. Collect donations for purchasing our own premise for the Association, based at 4FL., No.27, Min Chung W. Road, Taipei.Phone number is 02-29596660, and fax number is 02-25853587.
    6. The Association has its own web site at, e-mail address is There is a wealthy of information on it, featuring the latest update on all sorts of information, such as calendar of events worldwide, activities, and so on.
    7. Immediate aid to devastation: Taiwan was hit by an unprecedented earthquake on September 21, 1999. The Associations worldwide have donated around NTD5 million in immediate aids for clan people who live in the hardest-hit area.
    8. On November 18, 2005, specify individual absentee members in Article 33 of the Rules and Regulations to appeal more members join the Association.
    9. 9.Lin Association for the 12st World Lin’s Association Reunion at Philippines in October, 2008.

    As outlined above, the Association certainly provides the Lin Family opportunities to unite together, enhance mutual cooperation,and contribute us to the country. We shall at all times discharge our duties with utmost responsibility, integrity, competence, and loyalty to the country, inspire our generations to learn more about our Family history and genealogy, inherit spirit of our history from generation to generation.

    We welcome you to joint us and dedicate to the Association. We expect to focus all of our power on the development of the Association, and bring the Association a bright future in the long run.


西河堂:西山瑞藹三仁著績 河水祥鍾雙柱流芳
問禮堂:問道說仁新氣象  禮耕義重舊家風
十德堂:十德堂中深樹德  九龍門內再騰龍
濟南堂:濟美衣冠承恩寵  南郡品格世澤長
九牧堂:西河肇基光先世  九牧加生裕後文
忠孝堂:忠孝有聲天地老  古今無數子孫賢

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